‘Our Amazing Farm’ supports propane safety
Farms feed the world, and propane fuels farms. So, you could say propane not only keeps us warm in the winter, but it also helps keep our bellies full year-round.
Indeed, the farm is an iconic and respected symbol in American lives.
Regrettably, the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety reports that, every day, 33 U.S. children are injured in agriculture-related incidents and, every three days, a child dies in an agriculture-related incident. That’s an eye-opening statistic from a center focused on childhood agricultural safety.
So it was great when CHS Inc. approached the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) with a $250,000 grant to develop a learning tool that helps children recognize the value of safety on the farm.
Enter the “Our Amazing Farm” interactive website.
“Our Amazing Farm,” which is part of propanekids.com, features a series of entertaining five-minute science experiment videos to support PERC’s national agricultural safety initiative.
The video series, titled “Science Rocks,” is designed to engage young minds while providing a resource grounded in science to be used by both parents and educators.
The videos explain fundamental principles related to propane, as well as hands-on, age-appropriate, interactive activities that teach kids about grain bin safety, fire extinguishers, static electricity management and other topics. The videos use common household items – and the site offers printable instructions – to enable teachers and parents to share the lessons at school or home.
For propane professionals
Retailers such as Becks Propane of Saint Johns, Michigan, and others have included “Our Amazing Farm” on their company websites.
Dead River Co. highlighted the site and its attributes on its blog page, making it easy for customers to learn about farm safety for kids.
Other propane professionals to whom I have spoken use “Our Amazing Farm” and propanekids.com as an eye-catching means to promote their companies, highlighting safety along with the value propane provides to customers.
Stuart Flatow spent 18 years as the Propane Education & Research Council’s vice president of safety and training before stepping down in February 2019.
NOTE: The opinions and viewpoints expressed herein are solely the author’s and should in no way be interpreted as those of LP Gas magazine or any of its staff members.