PERC approves funding requests at Nashville meeting
The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) approved three funding requests during its April meeting in Nashville, Tenn. The principal contractor is noted in parenthesis, where applicable.
■ $237,900 for 2016 professional and support services, which will provide the council with technical knowledge and expertise, and implementation support of new products and market opportunities. PERC says it has elected to use outside consultants for their expertise in specific markets.
■ $50,000 for the Carbon Management Information Center Consortium, which is intended to serve the propane industry and its customers by providing information on the beneficial role propane plays compared to electric and oil options (Gas Technology Institute).
■ $34,446 for the development of Certified Employee Training Program refresher courses (Dashe & Thomson).
PERC is scheduled to meet next on July 12-13 in Napa, Calif.