PERC, ITA meet to discuss propane’s role in the forklift market

May 20, 2019 By    

Members of the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC), the Industrial Truck Association (ITA), manufacturers, suppliers and propane industry members came together for a joint meeting in March to discuss ways to defend and grow propane’s share of the forklift market.

Propane powered forklift. Photo:

Rebuilding awareness of propane in key markets, dispelling myths and addressing challenges head-on are marketing goals propane industry members should strive for, says Jeremy Wishart. Photo:

The meeting was the “first time bringing manufacturers, distributors and the propane industry together to focus on how we do a better job engaging the industry in partnership with customers and manufacturers,” notes Tucker Perkins, PERC president and CEO.

“The purpose of the meeting was multi-faceted but centrally focused on bringing propane back to the forefront of the discussion with the key members of the ITA,” says Jeremy Wishart, director of off-road business development for PERC. “Our internal goal was simply to foster an exchange of ideas and industry knowledge to enable both industries to easily identify areas of attention, opportunities, challenges and threats, and build deeper relationships with key partners.”

Wishart says the meeting produced several important takeaways for the propane industry.

“Engagement and propane education at all levels is needed,” Wishart says. “From the manufacturer through the dealer/distributor network and ultimately down to the customer, we have to be talking to them about our fuel – the why, how, and consistently reminding them of what we offer that other fuels don’t.”

He goes on to explain engagement and education cannot be solely a PERC function, but an entire industry effort.

Marketing and partnerships were also key takeaways, Wishart explains. Rebuilding awareness of propane in key markets, dispelling myths and addressing challenges head-on are marketing goals propane industry members should strive for. In addition, working with forklift manufacturers and other key partners is important to address marketing, technology and training challenges.

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About the Author:

Joe McCarthy was an associate editor at LP Gas Magazine.

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