PERC project would extend environmental campaign
The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) is calling for comments on a docket that would earmark more than $4.7 million for its 2022 environmental campaign and partnership with states program.
The project proposes a national consumer awareness campaign designed to carry PERC’s new brand identity “Energy for Everyone” and priority messages to consumers across the country. The campaign will use video, streaming audio and display banner ads to raise consumer awareness about propane’s key benefits, according to PERC:
- Propane accelerates decarbonization.
- Propane ensures energy equity.
- Propane keeps families safe and comfortable throughout the year.
- Propane helps companies save money, cut emissions and achieve resiliency.
PERC is working with state entities and agency partners GRP Media and Elevation on the project. Its goals are to increase consumer awareness about the role propane can play in decarbonization efforts and ensuring energy equity as well as engage state entities to participate in the program.
The opportunity for state entities to opt in and customize a local campaign would complement the national buy, according to PERC. State entities would be asked to match $1-for-$1 funding to support the campaign.
PERC says the program supports its strategic plan’s goal of increasing propane’s voice in the national energy conversation.
Comments are open until 5 p.m. Eastern time on April 25. The council meets April 27 in Nashville, Tennessee, following the Southeastern Convention & International Propane Expo.