Public invited to comment on PERC projects
The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) is seeking public comments on two funding requests, costing more than $2.1 million and $1.5 million, by Oct. 23. By rule, PERC must solicit comments before approving any proposed project costing $1.5 million or more.
Through the 2018 residential and commercial market outreach program, with a total project cost of $2,149,800, PERC plans to target individuals and organizations critical to the specification of propane and propane applications in homes, commercial facilities and on job sites. This group includes builders, general contractors, architects, engineers, plumbers and HVAC contractors. Key messages to construction professionals will continue to focus on the features and benefits of building with propane. Swanson Russell is serving as the lead vendor on the project.
Funded at $1.5 million in 2018, the Partnership with States program will continue to support the states by providing funding for consumer education, safety and training, and market development projects. The eligible projects are designed to increase the reach of PERC-developed materials, campaigns and new technology investments. Activities target external audiences, such as residential consumers, builders, HVAC professionals, plumbers, farmers, landscapers, fleet managers and fire service personnel. The program funds will match state rebate funds dollar-for-dollar and will be allocated to states based on the most recent API sales survey.
PERC says comments can be sent by mail to Propane Education & Research Council, Public Comment on Funding Request, 1140 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 1075, Washington, D.C. 20036; by fax to 202-452-9054; or by email to
PERC’s final meeting of the year is scheduled for Nov. 2-3 in Tampa, Florida.