Quality Steel, Mopeka partner on cathodic protection system

January 22, 2025 By    

Quality Steel Corp. and Mopeka Products signed an agreement that adds Mopeka’s Cathodic Sentinel cathodic protection monitoring system to Quality Steel’s product listing. Customers will be able to purchase the device from Quality Steel with estimated delivery times in the spring and summer, according to the company.

Cleveland, Mississippi-based Quality Steel, a subsidiary of LT Corp., a manufacturer and provider of pressurized steel assets, announced the partnership and offering of Mopeka Cathodic Sentinel devices.

“We are pleased to offer Mopeka Cathodic Sentinel devices to our customers,” says Lynn Hardin, president of the LP gas storage solutions business at Quality Steel. “Monitoring of the cathodic protection of underground tanks for the safety of the end user is essential, and this device makes the process much simpler. This product also strengthens Quality Steel’s commitment in our industry of being a total propane storage solutions provider.”

Kevin Jaffe, COO of Mopeka, highlighted the importance of the partnership with Quality Steel.

“Cathodic protection of underground tanks is not just a regulatory requirement; it’s essential for ensuring long-term safety and performance,” Jaffe says. “Quality Steel, a leader in tank manufacturing, is shaping the future of underground tank monitoring, safety and compliance by integrating the Mopeka Cathodic Sentinel into their tanks. This innovative solution enables continuous cathodic protection monitoring, seamlessly connecting data to the Mopeka dashboard and back-end systems. It’s a game-changing technology that provides customers with unparalleled assurance about the health of their tanks while allowing for immediate detection of changes in moisture, current and voltage.”

Lance Dalton, vice president of sales and marketing for Quality Steel, calls the partnership with Mopeka an opportunity for the companies and their customers.

“The Quality Steel sales team is thrilled to offer this innovative product to the propane industry,” he says. “With real-time monitoring of underground tank assets, you can save valuable time while significantly enhancing overall safety.”

Featured homepage image: tttuna/E+/Getty Images

About the Author:

Brian Richesson is the editor in chief of LP Gas Magazine. Contact him at brichesson@northcoastmedia.net or 216-706-3748.

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