Smart-Hose Technologies receives certificate of compliance
Smart-Hose Technologies earned a certificate of compliance from CSA International for its Smart-Hose Break-Away LP gas hose assembly.
According to the company, the Smart-Hose Break-Away assembly was designed as a full-flow breakaway that requires no annual maintenance. It has the ability to protect LP gas facilities from hose failure and pull-away incidents, the company says.
“The hose assembly represents the weak link in any LP gas transfer operation except when a pull-away incident occurs,” says Tim Raftery, vice president of marketing for Smart-Hose Technology. “During a pull-away incident, a 2-in. textile braided LP gas transfer hose assembly can experience 12,000 pounds of pull force before it fails. Under those circumstances, the hose assembly may not be the weak link and, therefore, damage to the LP gas facility piping can occur, which could lead to an uncontrolled release of LP gas.”
The Smart-Hose Break-Away hose assembly is available for 1 1/4-, 2- and 3-in. LP gas transfer applications.
Headquartered in Folcroft, Pennsylvania, Smart-Hose Technologies is an engineering company that designs safety systems inside and around hose assemblies.