Sunoco adds propane-fueling option at Pittsburgh airport

June 10, 2015 By    
Sunoco Autogas Propane Station at the Pittsburgh International Airport

Photo courtesy of the Allegheny County Airport Authority

Sunoco remodeled its APlus fueling station and convenience store at the Pittsburgh International Airport to offer new fueling and food options. The station, which had been closed since April 6, now features new gasoline dispensers, additional diesel fueling options, compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling, propane autogas fueling and electric vehicle charging stations.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are 12 propane autogas stations within a 30-mile radius of Pittsburgh, nine CNG stations and 59 electric vehicle charging stations. Sunoco says this is the company’s first propane autogas station, first electric charging station and second CNG station in Pennsylvania. Sunoco adds this is its first station in the United States that offers three alternative fueling options.

Sunoco says it expanded its Pittsburgh International Airport location because of increased user demand for alternative fuels. It also expanded because of the low price of propane and CNG. All propane and CNG at the remodeled Sunoco location will be produced and supplied from within the Pennsylvania region, according to a report from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

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