Vertrax Inc.
For over 15 years, Vertrax has been working with truckers, dispatchers and business owners to develop a feature-rich and consistently evolving software solution that delivers results. With cloud-based, mobile logistics solutions for retail propane, fuel oil, and bulk commodity delivery, Vertrax provides a structure and foundation that enables an operation to scale and grow their fleet.
As a provider of bulk commodity and retail delivery software for the trucking industry, Vertrax helps your operation capitalize on the benefits that real-time information can provide. Agile platforms will allow your company to increase asset utilization, increase operational efficiency and build a structure that will facilitate growth for years to come.
Vertrax will be providing live, interactive product demonstrations at the NPGA’s Southeastern Convention & International Propane Expo. We will also be featuring key product functionality upgrades and enhancements and announcing the launch of a new hardware/software product line.
Phone: 203-401-6000
Booth #1239