Wisconsin association elects members to board
The Wisconsin Propane Gas Association (WPGA) elected members to multiple positions within its board of directors at its annual membership meeting.
This year, there were two district director positions, four marketer-at-large positions and two supplier-at-large positions up for election, each of which includes three-year terms. The following members were elected to each position:
District Directors
District 1: Steve Guise, Ultra Energy (Incumbent)
District 2: Gary France, France Propane Service (Incumbent)
Marketer At-Large
Jude Wolf, Landmark Services Cooperative (Incumbent)
Jim Schieffer, Synergy Cooperative (Incumbent)
Nick Tasch, Cole Oil & Propane (Incumbent)
Shawn Teska, Premier Cooperative
Supplier At-Large
Carter Krueger, Alliance Energy Services (Incumbent)
Chad Bojarski, Energy’s USA/Tri-State Testing
The following 2020-21 slate of officers was also approved at the organization’s meeting:
President: Brian Poehls, L & S Trucking
Vice President: Bryon Walters, Walters Gas Service
Treasurer: Dianne Dallmann, Allied Cooperative
Committee chairs were also elected:
Membership: Brian Poehls, L & S Trucking
Convention: Dianne Dallmann, Allied Cooperative
Government Affairs: Chris Tews, Dale Gas & Oil
WPGA is a statewide trade association representing propane marketers and suppliers. It also directs the Wisconsin Propane Education & Research Council (WiPERC), which provides education and training for the propane industry in Wisconsin. Both organizations are managed by The Capitol Group.
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