WLPGA produces guide to propane cylinder filling

August 3, 2017 By    

The World LPG Association (WLPGA) released its “Guide to LPG Cylinder Filling” report in its Guide to Good Industry Practices suite.

The “Guide to LPG Cylinder Filling” addresses key issues that need to be considered when deciding to invest in assets to fill LP gas cylinders, WLPGA says. Some of these issues covered in the report include size and location of market demand, size of cylinders to be filled, valve type, available land and whether cylinder filling is to be considered for other third parties.

According to WLPGA, the report also looks at choices for LP gas cylinder filling, such as simple manually operated filling plants and fully automated filling plants, as well as other choices. The report is available online to download for free.

WLPGA has produced other guidelines, including “Guidelines for Good Business Practices in the LP Gas Industry,” “Guidelines for Good Safety Practices in the LP Gas Industry” and “Guide to Good Industry Practices for LP gas Cylinder Management.” The first of these two guidelines provided general advice to all stakeholders on best practices throughout the supply and distribution chain, WLPGA adds. Following the successes of those first two guidelines, the association decided to publish guidelines on propane cylinder management and propane cylinder filling.

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About the Author:

Megan Smalley was an associate editor at LP Gas magazine.

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