Putting positive feedback to good use

April 23, 2018 By    

Have you digested the new look and feel of LP Gas magazine?

Soon after our redesign launched last month, we received a number of nice comments from readers, who noticed everything from our new brand logo and more modern appearance, to the new sections, even to our heavier cover stock. Thanks to everyone who provided that feedback.

That information sharing also got us to thinking. While we plan to share some of those nice comments in our promotion of the redesign, and certainly with those LP Gas team members who contributed to the effort, similarly we wondered how our propane retailer readers might use the positive feedback they receive from their customers.

Do they share the kind words with their hard-working employees? Do they share it on social media? Maybe in other company marketing efforts?

“Positive comments are one of the reasons I enjoy this industry,” says Dan Richardson, president and CEO of Conger LP Gas.

The reason? Most of the calls, cards and notes that Richardson receives are about his employees and, well, he loves to hear when those individuals are creating good experiences for customers.

“We often contact the customer and thank them for making our day,” Richardson says. “We have also posted a picture of the customer’s card or note on our Facebook page. We make it into a testimonial of sorts, and I believe it helps our image in the eyes of other customers or potential customers.”

Armistead Mauck, vice president and co-owner of Cherry Energy, says customer feedback is a hot topic at his company. Cherry Energy will solicit its customers for feedback following a service call. The company also uses an online service called ReviewBuzz, which allows satisfied customers to post positive reviews on popular websites.

“When we receive a positive review from a customer, it is shared with everyone in the company,” Mauck says. “We also SPIFF [give a monetary reward to] our employees when they are mentioned in the review. We pick the really good reviews to post on our website.”

Delta Liquid Energy “gives credit where credit is due,” says Allison Platz, the company’s marketing manager.

“If the customer specifically names an employee for their outstanding service, it’s important to us to share the customer feedback with that person directly,” she says. “We will then acknowledge the comments in our internal employee newsletter and give kudos to the person or group that delivered the service.”

Palmer Gas & Oil uses a customer appreciation form to share feedback internally. The company also incentivizes satisfied customers to leave positive online reviews. Once a month, a $150 account credit is awarded to a lucky customer who leaves a positive review of the company on the web.

“If someone happens to send a card or email to me personally, I place it in, what I refer to as, the ‘encouraging word’ file in my desk,” adds Ken Albrecht of Reliable Propane. “You never know when you might need it.”

“I love everything new about this month’s LP Gas! Our team noticed the new logo immediately.”
-Emily McCollin, Blossman Gas

“I just finished reading the March issue of LP Gas and wanted to compliment you on the new format. It was a wonderful read, informative, modern looking and just a great change. Congratulations on the change. Our industry has to change and get more contemporary in our image to move forward. Thanks for leading the way.”
-Tucker Perkins, president and CEO, Propane Education & Research Council

“Lifelong industry reader; changes look great!”
-Mike Taylor, Combined Energy Services

About the Author:

Brian Richesson is the editor in chief of LP Gas Magazine. Contact him at brichesson@northcoastmedia.net or 216-706-3748.

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