Advertising strategies in 1941
Small-town newspapers, radio popular outlets in 1941
Advertising strategies have been a hot discussion item in the propane industry lately, as the U.S. Commerce Department lifted a restriction on advertising efforts in the propane industry last year and the Propane Education & Research Council developed a $10 million consumer education campaign, dubbed Blue.
LP Gas magazine looked back at the advertising strategies the industry used during the magazine’s inaugural year. In 1941, propane retailers weren’t shy about advertising, as that propelled propane sales. Some common methods propane retailers used to advertise propane and gas appliances included direct mail, newspapers, billboards, postcards, flyers and posters.
LP Gas magazine ran a feature on best advertising strategies in May 1941. Based on that feature, small-town newspapers served as one of the best ways to advertise, as it was cost-effective and seen by many people. Radio advertisements also worked as an advertising strategy, as long as a retailer was willing to run a commercial consistently on local stations.
Retailers host cooking schools, post ads on trailers
Retailers sometimes used nontraditional advertising methods to reach out to new customers. Some retailers gained new customers by promoting propane and related appliances at booths during local and state fairs. Occasionally, propane retailers who sold gas appliances also hosted cooking schools to promote propane appliances in the community. One retailer in Wisconsin benefited from this method by hosting a cooking school event. The retailer also thought outside the box, creating advertisements to post on trailers. The company drove the trailers around its community to serve as a moving billboard.
Photos: LP Gas Magazine