FMCSA expands COVID-19 declaration to include propane

June 7, 2022 By    

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) extended and amended its modified emergency declaration (No. 2020-002), related to the nationwide challenges and risks associated with COVID-19.

FMCSA’s extension and amendment, now through Aug. 31, provide hours-of-service (HOS) relief for commercial motor vehicle operations directly assisting in the support of emergency relief efforts. Propane, natural gas and heating oil are among the fuels listed in the declaration, which aims to address hampered supply chains.

FMCSA first issued the emergency declaration in March 2020 in response to the national emergency created by the pandemic. FMCSA has modified the emergency declaration to expand and remove categories of supplies, equipment and persons.

Direct assistance does not include nonemergency transportation of qualifying commodities or routine commercial deliveries, FMCSA says.

In addition, according to the National Propane Gas Association (NPGA), the declaration is not similar to HOS waivers provided for the industry during the winter heating season. Instead, the COVID-19 declaration requires companies to report routes and drivers that use it. NPGA cautions propane companies to carefully review the terms and conditions of the declaration.

FMCSA says it intends to continue to closely monitor the safety impacts of the relief granted under this extension and amendment of the modified emergency declaration.

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About the Author:

Brian Richesson is the editor in chief of LP Gas Magazine. Contact him at or 216-706-3748.

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