Lock America Inc.

February 25, 2020 By    

Logo: Lock America

Lock America, based in Corona, Calif., manufactures a range of filler valve locks that secure tanks against unauthorized fills and POLocks to prevent outlet valve tampering and theft of exchange tanks. Each customer is assigned a unique key code to protect against unauthorized access. Lock America can key a company’s filler valve lock and POLock to the same key code. Lock America also manufactures locks for gates, sheds and toolboxes, which can also be keyed with the same company key code.

At the NPGA Southeastern Convention & International Propane Expo, Lock America will have samples of filler valve locks, POlocks, and locks for gates, sheds and toolboxes.

Phone: 800-422-2866; 951-277-5180
Fax: 888-422-2866; 951-277-5170
Email: sales@laigroup.com

Booth #850

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