New Hampshire welcomes renewable propane

Pictured from left are Kirk Saunders, Patrick Callen and Kim Callen from White Mountain Propane; next to Kevin Fitzgerald with NGL Supply Wholesale; Mike Andrews and Bracy Hood with H.O. Bouchard; Leslie Anderson from the Propane Gas Association of New England; and White Mountain’s Mark Saunders. (Photo: Lisa DuFault)
To round out 2023, New Hampshire celebrated its first delivery of renewable propane to the state. White Mountain Oil & Propane delivered the first gallons of renewable propane to one of its commercial customers in the hospitality industry, Cranmore Mountain Resort.
The delivery of renewable propane was the result of White Mountain, NGL Supply and H.O. Bouchard working together on the project.
“I am excited to have worked with NGL Supply Wholesale from West Springfield, Massachusetts, and H.O. Bouchard Trucking Co. from Hampden, Maine, to bring the first load of renewable propane into New Hampshire,” says Kim Callen, fuel inventory control manager at White Mountain. “This is a step forward to bring greener energy not only to our customers but also to the state.”
Callen also serves as treasurer for the Propane Gas Association of New England (PGANE). White Mountain is a family-owned retailer serving northern New Hampshire and western Maine for more than 80 years. The company delivers premium fuel oil products, propane, heating service and installation.
Renewable propane has one of the lowest carbon intensity scores, meaning it can help businesses meet their environmental goals efficiently and reliably. Leslie Anderson, PGANE’s president and CEO, attended the delivery and has been advocating for renewable propane in the region. The association formed a renewable propane standing committee, which drew 90 interested attendees to its first meeting, reports Anderson.
Renewable propane has no fossil fuel origin and is methane-free. It’s created from various renewable feedstocks, including camelina plant oil, vegetable oil, animal fats, used cooking oil, soybean oil and animal tallow. New research also shows it can be made by breaking down plastics, such as polyethylene and polypropylene, and by converting captured carbon dioxide into renewable propane.
In 2022, Proctor Gas welcomed nearby Vermont’s first load of renewable propane, holding an educational event to mark the achievement. The retailer received the load from Ray Energy. Earlier in 2023, NGL Supply delivered a transport load of renewable propane to a Bourne’s Energy bulk facility in Morrisville – the first retailer in Vermont to sell the fuel for space heating purposes. The delivery was important, energy leaders say, as the state looks to develop a “clean heat credit marketplace” after it established a clean heating standard earlier in the year.
With innovations, renewable propane can be used alone or in innovative blends with other renewable or low-carbon energy sources – including conventional propane – to reduce carbon emissions further. At the point of combustion, renewable propane’s carbon intensity is four times lower than conventional propane and five times lower than diesel, according to the Propane Education & Research Council.
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