New PERC chairman Stuart Weidie details his priorities for the council

August 19, 2021 By    

Stuart Weidie, president and CEO of Blossman Gas in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, was sworn in as the new chairman of the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC). Learn about his goals for the industry and priorities in the new role.

3 Comments on "New PERC chairman Stuart Weidie details his priorities for the council"

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  1. Jason Wild says:

    I completely agree with you about our lack of involvement in AHJ policy. If we can as an industry; argue our solution for the coming energy sourcing at the local level, we will build incredible amount of support to expand. Lack of a local effort in the Finger Lakes storage proposal, ultimately lead to its failure.
    I’m on board! Lets develop a “go-plan” for our propane industry!

  2. John Fillmon says:


    Insightful interview with Stuart. I think PERC is in great hands with Stuart, the PERC Council, Tucker Perkins and his PERC staff.

    John Fillmon
    ATOM Alloys

  3. Marty Lerum says:

    Stuart, I certainly embrace your thought process. Get out of the shotgun approach and go to the rifle approach, we don’t have enough money to be effective with the shotgun approach PERC has taken in the past.
    How to Communicate “Propane- Energy for Everyone” down to the local level.
    Combat “Mis-Information” down to the local level, which as you so aptly pointed out leads to Bad legislation for the consumer as well as the Propane Industry.
    And as you pointed out, what an opportunity for Propane to business partner with Solar for off grid electric generation!!!!
    Thank you for committing your time….
    Marty Lerum -Propane Resources