PAPGA names 2024-25 board of directors
The Pennsylvania Propane Gas Association (PAPGA) released the election results of its 2024-25 board of directors.
Newly elected executive committee (term expires 2026)
President: Chris Wolfe, Ray Murray Inc.
President-elect: Mike George, E.F. Laudenslager Inc.
Vice president: Tim Jackson, Energy Links/Premium Power Services
Treasurer: Mark Delehanty, Independence Propane
Secretary: DeAnn Driscoll, Ditech Testing
National state director: Kara Tucker, Koppy’s Propane
Immediate past president: Hugh Rich III, Richgas Inc.
Newly elected district directors (term expires 2026)
District 1: Norm Cupples, Reed Oil
District 3: John Maruska, Algas
District 4: Beth Donovan, Shipley Energy
District 5: Rick Feiler, RDF Training
District 6: Jason Gorzkowski, Modern Gas Sales
District 7: Dan Balmer, Penn Valley Gas
District 8: Randy Styer, Styer Propane
Newly elected directors-at-large (one-year term expires 2025)
Dale Aldrich, Bergquist Inc.
Brian Doran, Alliance Energy Services
Mike McCoun, Bergquist Inc.
Pat Shay, Tarantin Industries Inc.
Jim Wiltshire, F.W. Webb
Current district directors (two-year term expires 2025)
District 1: Shelby Bennett, AmeriGas
District 2: Mike Salansky III, Stuck Enterprises Inc.
District 3: Jon Kammerer, Ferrellgas
District 4: Andy Stewart, Aero Energy
District 5: Randy Witmer, Koppy’s Propane
District 6: Greg Smith, Bluhm’s Gas Sales
District 7: Jay Gorzkowski, Modern Gas Sales
District 8: John Cepiel, Independence Propane
Delehanty, Salansky and Tucker are LP Gas Rising Leaders.