The irony of Canadian exports
About 10 years ago, Canada’s propane export market focused solely on shipments to the U.S., totaling about 112,000 barrels per day.

AltaGas has grown its propane export volumes from marine terminals in British Columbia, Canada. (Photo: AltaGas Ltd.)
Now, with growing export volumes from AltaGas and Pembina marine terminals in British Columbia, the country’s export industry has continued to grow over the past four years, notably in areas outside the U.S.
In June 2021, exports to non-U.S. destinations surpassed exports to the U.S for the first time, according to the Canada Energy Regulator. About 53 percent of Canadian propane exports, which now total about 204,000 bpd, reach non-U.S. destinations – most headed to Asia.
AltaGas established the first propane export terminal on Canada’s west coast in 2019, with the first shipment bound for Asia. Pembina followed two years later with its first propane export facility.
“What’s interesting is that in Canada we’re trying to celebrate LNG exports. We haven’t exported any yet; we will soon,” explains Shannon Watt, president and CEO of the Canadian Propane Association, during an interview with LP Gas in April.
“But we celebrate the fact that we’re going to export LNG and help others reduce their emissions around the world, and yet we’re already doing it with propane,” she says. “It’s important that we acknowledge and celebrate that we’re able to help others reduce their emissions and have a safe and affordable supply of energy.”