Randy Warner
Randy Warner is the product safety manager for Cavagna North America. He can be reached at randywarner@us.cavagnagroup.com.
Posts by Randy Warner
Out of gas, interruption of service, leak check, pressure test: What do they mean? Randy Warner reviews propane terminology you need to know. Read more»
Learn key safety features of propane autogas equipment with an overview from Randy Warner, product safety manager for Cavagna North America. Read more»
Randy Warner explains the functions of an automatic changeover regulator and how to operate multi-cylinder systems safely. Read more»
This June, National Safety Month foregrounds personal safety practices. Randy Warner gives an overview of the 2022 safety topics. Read more»
Technological development contributes to improved product safety. However, sometimes the standards that are put in place lag behind the technology. Read more»
Randy Warner encourages propane retailers to remember these nine safe-driving rules as the entry-level driver training program rolls out. Read more»
Randy Warner details the process of how propane products are tested and certified for use by retailers to provide propane energy. Read more»
Propane safety expert Randy Warner explains the safety functions of flexible metallic connectors that run from regulator to service valve. Read more»
Randy Warner explains how cartridge-style relief valves can offer safety advantages when it comes to propane container pressure. Read more»
The Underwriters Laboratories 144 technical standards committee made a standards revision to address inlet pressure and UPSO protection. Read more»