Faces & Places: July 2023
National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) staff as well as Wisconsin Propane Gas Association Executive Director Cheryl Lytle were among those to tour Line 5 facilities in northwest Wisconsin. NPGA has been active in supporting the light oil and natural gas liquids pipeline in multiple lawsuits and amid attempts to shut it down.
Tom Van Buren, left, of Meritum Energy Holdings with Tim Carlson of Centennial Energy. Carlson spoke in support of his friend Van Buren prior to the Meritum executive vice president and COO becoming chair-elect of NPGA.
NPGA welcomed its new group of officers during the mid-year board of directors meeting in Washington, D.C. From left are Tom Van Buren of Meritum Energy Holdings as chair-elect, Mike Hopsicker of Ray Murray Inc. as vice chair, Jeff Stewart of Blue Star Gas as chairman and DD Alexander of Global Gas as treasurer. Learn about Stewart’s goals as chair.
Representatives from the Ohio Propane Gas Association visit with U.S. Rep. Troy Balderson, third from left, during NPGA’s Propane Days advocacy event in Washington, D.C. From left are LP Gas Publisher Brian Kanaba, Butch Carper of Rutland Bottle Gas, Balderson, Rosie and Joe Buschur of McMahan’s Bottle Gas, Frank Edwards of Coles Energy and LP Gas Editor-in-Chief Brian Richesson. Read our Propane Days coverage and a Q&A with Balderson.
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