How the 2024 LP Gas Growth Summit unfolds

The LP Gas Growth Summit is a 2.5-day event that gathers retail propane company decision-makers and industry partners for one-on-one meetings, educational opportunities and other networking functions – all with the goal of building propane partnerships. The 2024 event was held Sept. 17-19.
Here’s a look at how the Growth Summit unfolds at Reunion Resort, outside Orlando, Florida.
Propane retailers and partners travel to Orlando. This year, decision-makers from 20 retail propane companies arrive from 18 states. A record number of partner companies (20), representing a variety of equipment and services categories, also attend. Attendees check in at Reunion Resort and at the LP Gas Growth Summit registration table. This year, attendees receive welcome boxes, which feature an LP Gas-branded Bluetooth speaker, luggage tag and notebook. They also receive welcome folders that include their schedules for the next two days. An added bonus for propane retailers: LP Gas magazine covers their lodging, meals and golf.
Meet the partners

The first official event on the Growth Summit agenda takes place at 3 p.m. in a Reunion Resort ballroom. LP Gas Publisher Brian Kanaba shares a video about the Growth Summit to give attendees an idea of what to expect over the next couple of days. In this session, partners enter the ballroom – one company at a time – and introduce themselves to propane retailers. Partners take a few minutes to share details about their company and the role it plays in the propane industry. These introductions also give retailers a better understanding of the companies they’ll meet with over the next two days. Editor-in-Chief Brian Richesson shares propane industry trivia.
Welcome reception
As the Growth Summit gets underway, attendees settle in and now can unwind after traveling to Orlando. Retailers and partners gather at Eleven Restaurant, high atop the Grande Tower, for drinks and dinner. The reception is the first chance for retailers and partners to meet one another in a relaxed setting, which features a balcony by the pool and a picturesque view of the Orlando area.

Breakfast and speaker
The Growth Summit begins early with a hot breakfast and featured speaker. This year, Pat Hyland, who retired in September after 27 years in the propane industry, the last 12 with the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC), addresses the group and shares his perspectives as a leader with PERC and previously as the editor of LP Gas magazine.
Individual meetings

The one-on-one meetings between propane retailers and industry partners are the foundation of the LP Gas Growth Summit. Retailers and partners follow their respective meeting schedules, with retailers rotating among the Grande Tower suites to visit with partners. Each meeting lasts 20 minutes before retailers are asked to move on to their next meeting. LP Gas conducts video interviews with retailers and partners, and an LP Gas Lounge provides a place for attendees to relax and grab a snack between meetings. The lounge is also a great place for retailers to visit with one another.
Golf outing and luncheon for non-golfers

When the first round of meetings end, retailers and partners carry their conversations to the golf course. After taking a group photo and grabbing a boxed lunch, the golfers participate in a scramble on Reunion Resort’s Palmer Course. Non-golfers enjoy conversations during lunch at the clubhouse.
More great networking opportunities continue in the evening during a popular barbecue dinner next to the Seven Eagles Pool. Golfers review final team scores and rehash their time on the course. LP Gas recognizes team and contest hole winners. After dinner, attendees enjoy a friendly game of cornhole and the camaraderie they’ve built to this point.
Breakfast and panel discussion

The final day of the Growth Summit begins again with a hot breakfast and more education. This year’s panel features propane marketers Brian Green of Green’s Blue Flame Gas in Houston, Jennifer Jackson of national retailer AmeriGas and Bruce Spiridonoff of Tevis Energy in Westminster, Maryland. Topics include market segments ripe for growth, technology, and opportunities and threats to the industry.
Individual meetings
After breakfast, retailers and partners begin the second round of one-on-one meetings in the Grande Tower suites. By the time the Growth Summit ends around mid-day, attendees will have had 20 individual meetings, forming the building blocks for propane industry partnerships.

It’s not too early to reserve your place at the 2025 LP Gas Growth Summit. Propane retailer decision-makers can apply now.

Find out how to apply to the LP Gas Growth Summit.