September 2022: Employer compensation costs per hour

September 12, 2022 By    

Each month, LP Gas provides updates on the U.S. propane market, as well as the latest trends. The data for September 2022 is from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and shows employer compensation costs per hour worked.

Stock information for Ferrellgas and Suburban Propane is also provided.


Employer costs per hour worked for employee compensation of private industry workers, by Census division, March 2022

Data source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Data source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, total employer compensation costs for private industry workers averaged $38.61 per hour worked in March 2022. Wage and salary costs averaged $27.19 and accounted for 70.4 percent of employer costs, while benefit costs were $11.42 and accounted for 29.6 percent. Total compensation costs for private industry workers were $14.97 at the 10th wage percentile, $28.60 at the 50th (median) wage percentile and $74.46 at the 90th wage percentile.

Read more: LP Gas wage survey gauges industry response to labor pressures


Company 12-month chart
(as of August ’22)
Price (8/18/22) Current Yield 52-Week Low 52-Week High YTD Price
Ferrellgas – FGPR Ferrellgas - FGPR $11.85 N/A 10.62 25.34 (19.3%)
Suburban Propane – SPH Suburban Propane – SPH 16.28 8.0% 13.83 17.75 11.1%

Source: Company data, FactSet and Wells Fargo Securities LLC (SPH); Yahoo Finance (FGPR)

Featured homepage photo: MF3d/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

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