Refresh your website for heating season

October 24, 2023 By    

When was the last time you updated your website?

Photo: everythingpossible/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images _ website

Your website should always evolve and have information that is relevant for your customers. (Photo: everythingpossible/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images)

If you can’t remember, then it’s time for a refresh. Your website should always evolve and have information that is relevant for your customers. Keep in mind how fast technology changes and how quickly customers grow accustomed to finding information quickly and easily.

Here are a few reasons to consider a website refresh:

You’ve implemented a new online billing system. With online bill pay or credit card functionality, customers want easy access to settle their account quickly online.

Your company website loads slower than two seconds. Slow site speeds or loading time when navigating your website will cause customers and prospects to find their information – or possibly propane – elsewhere.

With a new heating season comes new marketing messages and promotions. Don’t confuse customers with outdated information or expired offers. Let them know what’s happening at your operation today.

Viewing the website on your phone or tablet is difficult. Small text, wide site pages or other user experience issues could signal that it’s time to design a site that is responsive and functions well on mobile devices.

Your company has gone through staff changes recently. Old employee information should be replaced with new team members. This can include a headshot, bio, email address or phone number.

Site traffic has plateaued or isn’t reporting at all. Is your site using Google Analytics, and is it set up correctly? It also might be time to check on your site’s search engine optimization, or SEO.

If a website checkup revealed areas that need improvement, and you are planning to take action, here’s a checklist of spots to focus on:

  1. Check all links and buttons. Make sure everything you click on functions as it should. Minimize the number of steps in a process, and make it easy for customers to find the information they need.
  2. Add recent customer reviews and testimonials. Your website is a great place to showcase positive feedback about your company and team.
  3. Consider including badges and industry recognition. This can be association involvement, local membership or ranking on a list like the LP Gas Top Propane Retailers.
  4. Include information about careers. If you are looking to hire good people, then make it easy for them to submit an application or get in touch with your human resources team.
  5. Make sure all contact information is current. List staff phone numbers and emails. Consider a chat bot or contact form for customers to use.
  6. Consider posting to a blog. Share education information about propane or updates and press releases from your company. Find templates and tools from the Propane Education & Research Council or the National Propane Gas Association.
  7. Set up reporting correctly. Google Analytics 4 launched earlier this year and can help streamline the metrics most important to your website.

Consider making website updates part of an annual and quarterly process. Once a year can include large changes or website overhauls. Once a quarter, review the checklist above and take the time to review the site with fresh eyes.

About the Author:

Danielle Pesta is the senior digital media manager for North Coast Media, the parent company of LP Gas. She can be reached at

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